3 Ways To Celebrate Veterans Day - VFV Car Donation

3 Ways To Celebrate Veterans Day - VFV Car Donation

Veterans Day serves as a tribute to both living and passed American veterans. This Veterans Day, take time to give thanks to those living veterans who honorably served their country, and honor those who gave their lives for the United States. There are many ways to celebrate Veterans Day appropriately. This year, try to acknowledge all veterans living and passed, and try to give back too! Here are three simple things you can do to celebrate Veterans Day:

Visit Fallen Heroes

Whether you are visiting the gravesite of a veteran you know, a veterans’ cemetery or a veterans’ memorial, visiting fallen heroes is a terrific way to celebrate and honor those who died fighting for the United States. If you are visiting a loved one, bring flowers and decorations to spruce up the gravesite. When visiting a veterans’ memorial or cemetery, walk through and try to read as many names as you can. This will give you important perspective to just how large of a sacrifice the military has made.

Celebrate Living Veterans

To celebrate living veterans, plan your morning around this schedule:

  • Greet veterans as they are dropped off at the VA. Shake their hands, say thank you and ask them about their time in the military—be prepared to really listen!
  • Wear a Buddy Poppy all day. If anyone asks what it is, tell them!
  • Buy a homeless veteran a cup of coffee. Bring them a meal too if you have the chance!
  • Read the poem “In Flanders Field the poppies grow,” and share it on social media for everyone to see!
  • Attend a local Veterans Day parade. This gives you an opportunity to see both the veterans in your community and how the local culture embraces veterans.
  • Watch a military movie or documentary to end the day. Sometimes these films can give you enlightened perspective of the sacrifices made by veterans.

If doing one or two of these things was easy, make a habit out of it! The best way to celebrate Veterans Day is to keep celebrating it all year long.

Give Back To Veterans

This Veterans Day, make a difference by giving back to veterans. The easiest way to make a big impact on disabled and other veterans programs is by donation any unwanted vehicle in your possession to Vehicles For Veterans.

Vehicles For Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit car donation organization dedicated to giving back to American veterans. When you donate, Vehicles For Veterans makes it hassle-free by offering free towing and a 100 percent tax-deductible receipt. Donate today by calling 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online donation form. Your donation makes a huge difference for veterans!

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