5 Car Cleaning Tips And Tricks

5 Car Cleaning Tips And Tricks

Spring is in the air and everyone is getting ready to start deep cleaning after the long winter. This is also a great time to clean out your car. This list will help you clean your vehicle more efficiently, knowing how hard it can be to clean every area of your car.   

Good Bye Dirt

You bring so much dirt and grime into your car throughout the winter and road salt if you live in an area where that is found. Here are some helpful techniques to help make cleaning your car easier:

  • Dog hair: If you have a dog then you know how difficult it can be to get dog hair off of clothing and furniture. Car seats can be one of the hardest things to clean. Dog hair seems to stick and makes it almost impossible to get off. If you have tried a vacuum, lint roller or even tape and you still can’t get them clean, you can try using a spray bottle of water and a squeegee. Spray the seats with water then run the squeegee along the seats and the hair will start to clump. Once this happens you can then vacuum up the clumps of hair. Try this simple tip and make your hairy situation go away!
  • Headlights: If getting a carwash doesn’t help clean your headlights you can try using toothpaste. Wash your headlights of all dirt and grime and put a small drop of toothpaste on a cloth and in a small circle motion, rub it onto your head lights. Add water and toothpaste as needed. You will spend a few minutes on each light but your result should have you impressed.
  • Air Vents: They tend to get dusty over time but are too narrow to wash normally. You can use a Q-tip or buy a small sponge for painting. Both of these work great for getting into small areas.
  • Car floor mats: Whether you tromp through mud or bring things into your car from your everyday walking, your floor mats can get dirty fast! First, start by vacuuming your floor mats. Then scrub the mats with a brush and carpet cleaner you prefer. If you have pesky road salt stains, fill a bottle or bucket of a 50/50 mixture of distilled white vinegar and warm water.  Scrub the solution into your mats and take a cloth to dab dry. Repeat as many times as necessary until the carpet is clean.
  • Doors and seats: Dirt and crumbs seem to build up in your seams of your seat cushions. You can use a toothbrush or a fine-bristled brush to clean out the crumbs. Once this is done you can then easily vacuum all of the crumbs and dirt from your seats.

When Cleaning Won’t Help

If deep cleaning your car doesn’t help and there is a bigger problem, you can recycle your vehicle and help veterans. We all know that selling your car can be a hassle and time-consuming. You can donate your vehicle to Vehicles For Veterans. We are a car donation program that helps veterans and their families. All you have to do is call us at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out our online donation form. Once you have done that you will receive a call from us within 24 hours of the next business day to schedule your vehicle pick-up. After your car is towed away you will receive a tax deductible receipt in the mail.

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