Bring A Little Sparkle To Someone’s Life

Bring A Little Sparkle To Someone’s Life

Have you ever been walking through a mall or outside and notice someone who looks like they are having a bad day? Bring a little sunshine to their life with a random act of kindness. It might make you step out of your comfort zone, but it will make this experience all the more thrilling. If you are having a hard time coming up with ideas or want to do something that isn’t ordinary here is a list to help bring joy to others.

One Act Can Brighten Someone’s Day

The list of things you can do to help brighten someone’s day could go on forever, but here is a list to get you started.

  • If you can tell by the look on someone that their day isn’t going great, in passing you can give them a complement and bring a smile to their face.
  • When in line for coffee, buy the coffee for the person behind you.
  • While at a restaurant, leave your server a little bit bigger tip; you never know what battle they are fighting in their life.
  • When walking by a meter and you see it is about to run out put some spare change in to give someone a little more time.
  • If browsing through Facebook you notice someone is a little down, leave a nice complement on their page.
  • Hold open a door for someone behind you.
  • If you notice someone is having a hard time carrying several things or a large item, give them a lending hand.
  • A simple thing like smiling is contagious, so try smiling for a day and watch those around you smile too.
  • Help a neighbor with yard work such as raking leaves, shoveling their driveway or sidewalk.
  • Leave a note on someone’s car in the parking lot with an inspiring message.
  • Donate a vehicle you no longer use to Vehicles For Veterans.

There are many veterans around the U.S. that are in need of assistance. You can help them receive the services that they need by donating your unused vehicle, with proceeds benefiting veterans programs around the U.S. All you have to do is call us at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out our online donation form. You will receive free towing for your vehicle, and the best possible tax deduction. Help veterans and their families who are in need today! 

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