Celebrate National Salute To Veteran Patients

Celebrate National Salute To Veteran Patients

To many people, Feb. 14 is recognized as Valentine’s Day. Yet, to many others Feb. 14 is the day to celebrate the National Salute To Veteran Patients. This special day is a time to express utmost appreciation to veterans. At the same time, it helps increase the awareness of the community to how important the VA medical center can be. Finally, this impactful day will hopefully give the local community the inspiration they need to become more involved as volunteers. 

National Salute to Veteran Patients obviously gets overshadowed by Valentine’s Day, but you can help spread awareness by doing the following four things:

Increase Community Awareness

There are several ways to raise awareness of veteran patients within your community. A great place to start is to hang something up at work, your local community organizations and other bulletin boards you may find around town like at grocery stores, etc.

This could be many things as long as it gives the message that there are veteran patients in your community and they appreciate you paying tribute. On the flyer, you could include a mention that Feb. 14 is an excellent day to start showing appreciation to veteran patients. From there, members of the community, your work place and your local organizations may see the need to visit veterans more often!

Encourage People Around You To Visit Veterans

Feb. 14 is the perfect day to start encouraging your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to visit veteran patients. Whether it is a quick visit or an elaborate visit, veterans appreciate the community paying tribute.

An easy way to share this with the people around you is to simply share with them what your plans are for the veterans. If you are at work, you can tell your coworkers that you plan on visiting veterans before your Valentine’s plans. The same goes for if you are at home, in your neighborhood or with your friends. That little taste of awareness can go a long way to positively influencing your community!

Pay Tribute To Veterans

Visiting veterans, putting on events, bringing them gifts and volunteering are all good ways to pay tribute to American veterans. Perhaps the most practical way to make a big difference for veterans is by making a donation.

The easiest way to show a lot of appreciation to veterans is by donating something you may have thought was junk—your unused car. That unwanted vehicle in your driveway or garage may not be worth much to you, but it can make a huge impact in the lives of veterans when you donate it to Vehicles For Veterans.

Vehicles For Veterans is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) car donation organization dedicated to helping veterans with our proceeds. We come to you, pick up your car for free, and you get a 100 percent tax-deductible receipt for your donation! Simply call 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online donation form today!

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