Fascinating Military Bases To Visit In 2017

Fascinating Military Bases To Visit In 2017

Military planesAre you planning a trip or are trying to find a place to visit where you can have fun and learning something too? Here are some must see military attractions:

Edwards Air Force Base:  This Air Force base is located 85 miles north of Los Angeles. It is home to the U.S. Air Force Flight Test Center and test pilot school. Almost every aircraft since the 1950s has been at least partially tested at Edwards. This base was the original landing sight of NASA’s shuttle program before the Kennedy Space Center was built in Florida. They offer tours once a month but you will want to make sure that you sign up early because they fill up fast. They also offer many other events on the base that you can sign up for.

Naval Submarine Base New London: This is the very first Submarine Base. It is home to 15 attacked submarines, the largest single group of submarines in the US Navy.  In 1915 this port was the first to host US submarines, just before the U.S. entered World War I. Since then they have been continuously expanding. It has now grown into the world’s largest naval power with the most advanced submarine fleet on earth. There is a museum located right before you enter the base that is full of pictures, artifacts and documents of submarine history. Each time you visit you will learn and see something new.

Marine Corps Base Quantico: This base is located in Quantico, Va. This base is home to the Marine Corps Research Center, The Marine Corps Brig, FBI Academy, and the training facility for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Near this historical base there is a museum. It is free to the public and offers free parking. They also have guided tours that run daily, allowing you to learn some amazing facts about the Marine Corps.

Naval Station Norfolk: This is the largest naval base in the world; it is located in Norfolk, Va. This naval base provides a seaport and airport. It is the headquarters for the Commander Naval Surface Force Atlantic, Commander Naval Air Force Atlantic, Commander Submarine Force Atlantic and Commanding General, and Fleet Marine Force Atlantic. The Naval Base offers tours where you are able to see aircraft carriers, destroyers, frigates, amphibious assault ships and the airfield. Make sure to call a head so you are able to go on the tour.

How You Can Help

If you have an unused vehicle that has been taking up space for quite a while and you don’t want to go through the hassle of trying to sell it, we have a great option for you! You can donate it to Vehicles For Veterans. We are a vehicle donation program the benefits disabled veterans and other veterans programs.

All you have to do is fill out our online donation form or call us at 1-855-811-4838. We have great customer service representatives available to help you with any questions you might have. We offer free towing from almost anywhere in the U.S. and in return for your vehicle donation you will receive the best possible tax deduction.

What are you waiting for? Help veterans today!

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