How To Beat The Summer Heat

How To Beat The Summer Heat

As we are in the heat of summer, going out to your vehicle after a long day at work can be the worst. As you open your door, a blast of hot air is probably the last thing you want after a long day at work. Now it’s time to turn on your car and the steering wheel is so hot that you don’t want to touch it in fear of getting burnt. Here are some great ways to keep your car cool and beat the summer heat! 

Shaded Parking Spot

If you are going to the store or work, try to find a parking spot that is shaded. It could be in an area that has a lot of trees or is shaded by the building. By parking here it will keep your car out of direct sunlight so your car won’t bake in the hot sun.

Sunshade Or Window Visor

If you are unable to find shade in your parking lot because all the spots are taken or there isn’t shade in your parking lot, you can use a sunshade or window visor to keep your car cool.  We have all seen those huge parking lots that have no trees and the building isn’t tall enough to give you shade. If this is somewhere that you frequent, then getting one of these would be a great investment.

Open Your Windows An Inch

 You might think that keeping your windows open just a crack won’t keep your car cool.  However, it actually allows air to flow through your car, keeping it cooler than keeping the air trapped in your car to constantly heat in the sun.

Towel Covering

If you have a black interior or a convertible, keeping a towel in your car can save you from the heat. When you leave your car outside in an unshaded spot for a long period of time, place the towel over the seat or steering wheel. This will help from burning yourself when you get in. 

Time To Donate?

If you are ready for a cooler car, we have a great way to dispose of your old car. You can donate it to Vehicles For Veterans benefiting veterans charities all around the U.S. Our process is fast and painless all you have to do is call us at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out our online donation form.  Once this is done you will get a call within 24 hours to schedule your vehicle pickup.  As you wave your old car goodbye, you will be receiving your tax-deductible receipt in the mail within a few weeks. 

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