Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2017

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2017

Martin Luther King Jr. is the most well-known African American Leader of his time. His efforts to peacefully promote civil rights and equality for everyone has left a lasting legacy. His significant influence during the Civil Rights Movement led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the sit-in movement that started in Greensboro, N.C., the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights act of 1965. 

In honor of his legacy, many people spend the day serving others, attending an event or just reflecting on what equality means.  

Attend A Local Event

Because many people have today off, one of the most common things to do on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is to attend an event. Many churches will hold special services honoring King, while cities hold other events such as community meals, readings of King's speeches, parades and tribute concerts. If you live near a larger city, you have a good chance of catching an event that honors MLK today.

Visit A Museum

There are many museums throughout the U.S. focused on civil rights. One of the most well-known is the National Civil Rights Museum at the Lorrain Motel in Memphis, the location where Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. On Jan. 16, the museum will host King Day, which will allow you to tour the museum, contribute to a food drive, enjoy entertainment and take part in learning activities such as how to register to vote. 

If you don't live near Memphis, nearly every state has a museum you can visit that's dedicated to civil rights or African American history.

Volunteer Your Time

Perhaps the most popular activity for Martin Luther King Jr. Day is to complete an act of service. Because King spent his life serving others, getting involved in a volunteer project is one of the best ways to honor his legacy.

Try looking for volunteer opportunities on popular volunteer websites such as Volunteer Match, Points of Light, Hands On, or your local United Way.

Give Back To Others

After a day of service, you may be looking for other ways to give back today. If you want to do just a little bit more, consider making a car donation to Vehicles For Veterans. The proceeds from your car donation support disabled veterans and other programs. Donating an unwanted vehicle only takes a minute, and it's the perfect way to end a day that's all about thinking of others.

If you have a car to donate to Vehicles For Veterans, give us a call at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online car donation form. It only takes a minute of your time and it helps give back to veterans who have served our country.

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