Top 8 Jobs For Veterans Transitioning To The Civilian Workforce

Top 8 Jobs For Veterans Transitioning To The Civilian Workforce

One of the main challenges veterans face when transitioning to civilian life is finding fulfilling employment. The skills used in combat, on base, or in other duties are sometimes hard to translate into marketable skills back home. Looking for a new job is always tough, but it can be even more daunting for the men and women whose only career experience is from the military. 

Marketing Your Military Skills

Before veterans start looking for their next career, it can be helpful to take stock of your skills and consider how to present them. Military skills might seem to have no place in civilian life, but there are actually many ways your experience can work in your favor in a new career. Being in the military gives veterans several highly marketable skills such as:

  • A strong work ethic.

  • Interpersonal and communication skills.

  • Record keeping and organization skills.

  • Problem solving and analytical thinking.

  • Leadership and teambuilding experience.

  • The ability to work under pressure.

  • Fluency in a foreign language, especially if you were a translator.

  • Management skills if you were in charge of others.

  • Healthcare skills if you trained others in first aid or performed nursing duties.

  • Mechanical skills if you maintained vehicles or repaired machinery.

  • Other specialized skills with computers, equipment, administration, security or finance if you received additional training.

Military One Source recommends writing skills on your resume using terms that civilians can understand. For example, uncommon acronyms and technical language should be explained or rewritten in a way an interviewer will recognize.

Great Jobs For Veterans In 2016

When veterans know how to market their skills, countless career opportunities are available. According to a recent Forbes article, these eight positions are top career choices for veterans in 2016:

  • Financial Advisor. Veterans who want to help other vets manage their money might want to start a career in financial advising. Companies that want to reach more veterans are likely to hire financial advisors who have also served. 

  • Human Resources Manager. As more veterans enter the civilian workforce, many companies strive to hire more of them to be part of their team. Having a veteran within the Human Resources department is a great way for companies to connect on a personal level with applicants who have served.

  • Management Consultant. Companies that want to be in-the-know about employing veterans may also look for management consultants who are veterans themselves. Management consultants can help companies find the best practices for training and managing veterans.  

  • Information Security Analyst. Veterans with online security experience are in high demand as Information Security Analysts. The Wounded Warrior Cyber Combat Academy is a great resource for veterans interested in an online security career. The VA also offers programs for veterans and on-the-job training for active duty military members who want to get into this field.

  • Interpreter or Translator. Spending time overseas gives you first-hand experience with other languages. Even if you weren't your company's translator, you likely picked up some of the languages where you were stationed. While this might not mean you're fluent, it puts you ahead of others who have no experience with foreign languages. 

  • Network and Systems Administrator. If you had any experience using computer networks in the military, you can use that knowledge to your advantage. Every company that uses multiple computer systems or software platforms needs someone to manage their technology. Some job positions may require you to have a degree or certificate. However, your experience may count as formal job training. 

  • Physical Therapist. If you were a physical therapist in the military, you can use your skills in a civilian career as well. The VA alone employs more than 1,500 physical therapists. Finding a civilian physical therapy job is a great way to help other veterans in your community.

  • Registered Nurse. Experience with medical situations while serving in the military can often be applied towards a nursing degree. You need a degree to become a registered nurse, but medic duties from the military can also qualify you for other jobs such as a certified nursing assistant or a personal caretaker. 

Fund Veterans' Programs With A Car Donation

Transitioning back to civilian life is always a challenge for veterans, but many programs and services are available to make this easier. We are proud to fund programs such as employment assistance, rides to medical appointments and transitional services for veterans with our car donation program.

If you have an unwanted car, truck, boat, RV or motorcycle, car donation is a great option. We provide a hassle-free donation process with free towing and a great tax deduction. Best of all, your donation benefits veterans' programs. To donate your vehicle, please call us at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online car donation form.

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