Get Ready For World Blood Donor Day, June 14

Get Ready For World Blood Donor Day, June 14

Despite political differences, conflicting viewpoints and disagreements, the one thing that connects everyone is blood. Every two seconds, someone needs a blood transfusion in the U.S. Accidents, surgeries, lifelong medical conditions and cancer treatments can all cause a person to need blood. Most people recognize the need for blood donations, but it's also easy to forget how important they are. June 14 is World Blood Donor Day, and it's the perfect time to learn more about the need for blood donations and how you can make a difference! 

Facts About Donating Blood

Many people get queasy or anxious at the thought of donating blood. In fact, of the 38 percent of people who are even eligible to give blood, only 10 percent actually donate. If you are eligible, these facts may motivate you to donate blood in honor of World Blood Donor Day on June 14.

  • If 1 percent of the U.S. population donated blood, the nation's basic blood supply needs would be met.
  • Blood cannot be manufactured in a lab; all the blood used in hospitals has been donated.
  • If you are one of the 9 percent of U.S. citizens who has type O negative blood, you are considered a universal donor and your blood is in higher "demand." O negative blood can be given to a person with any blood type.
  • Similarly, if you have type AB positive blood, your blood plasma can be given to anyone. Only 3 percent of the population has type AB positive blood!
  • 4.5 million Americans would die each year without a blood transfusion.
  • Donors typically give one pint of blood at a time. From just one pint of blood, as many as three lives can be saved.
  • If you don't already know your blood type, making a donation is a great way to find out. If you go through the Red Cross, you'll receive a card that states your blood type and other information after you make a donation.
  • You get a free mini-physical when making a donation. The nurse will check your blood pressure, temperature, pulse and hemoglobin to see if it's safe for you to donate.

Why Donate Blood Now?

According to the Red Cross, most people who've never donated blood are afraid of needles or have simply never thought of donating blood. The most common shortages in the blood supply occur around the summer and winter holidays when people spend most their time doing family activities. With the Fourth of July and other summer holidays coming up, take a moment to consider donating blood this summer! Plus, you'll have no problem finding a donation center on World Blood Donor Day tomorrow.

Can Military Members Donate Blood?

Although many veterans want to keep up their civic duties when they're retired from the military, there are actually quite a few restrictions for donating blood after you've been overseas. Being stationed in certain areas in the Middle East can mean having to wait anywhere from 12 months to 3 years before you become eligible to donate blood again. Depending on the location, veterans who were stationed overseas between January 1980 and December 1996 may never be able to donate blood again. Although these restrictions ban a lot of veterans from giving blood, many vets only have to wait a short time before becoming eligible again.

Help Veterans On World Blood Donor Day

A lot of people aren't eligible to donate blood or simply can't stand the thought of needles. If that's the case, Vehicles For Veterans has a painless way for you to give back to your community today. Donate a car, truck, boat, RV or motorcycle to Vehicles For Veterans, and your donation will benefit disabled veterans in your community. We make the process as easy as possible by accepting donations online and over the phone at 1-855-811-4838. You even receive free towing and a tax deduction for making your donation. Make a car donation today and let us take care of everything! 

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