3 Ways To Show Appreciation To Military Families

3 Ways To Show Appreciation To Military Families

November is National Military Family Appreciation Month. This month of conscious celebration focuses on honoring the selfless sacrifices and commitment performed by American veterans and the burden their families carry. There are a number of little ways that you can show appreciation to military families in your community like thanking them when you see them. Here are three big little things you can do to show your appreciation for military personnel and their families:

Make A Care Package

If the military member of the family is overseas, make a care package for her or him, and make another care package for their family. Military personnel typically really appreciate receiving the following:

  • Photos and letters
  • Snacks (in hard containers, not bags)
  • Condiments
  • Socks and underwear (100 percent cotton)
  • Powdered drink mix like hot cocoa or sports drink
  • Toiletries and hygiene products
  • Batteries

There are many other things you can send, depending on to whom you are sending them. Check out this list of items you should and shouldn’t send.

Then, make a care package for their family. Fill it with toys for the kids, snacks and any reminders of the military person overseas like photos. You can also include a family-size meal like lasagna or casserole to give the parent at home a much-deserved break. Another great option is stationary items for writing letters to their loved one. Little things like this go a long way for showing appreciation for the burden military families endure.

Throw A Community Get Together

If you have a neighbor, family member or friend in a military family, invite them and the rest of your close community over for a get together. This gives military families a break from cooking and it shows them the support of the community around them. Military families will get to meet the neighbors and form friendships for both hard times and good times.

If the military member has internet access, try to skype them with your big group to show your genuine appreciation as a community for them and their family. The parents can make friends, the kids can make friends and the whole family will know the type of support their community offers them.

Donate To Veterans’ Charities

Donating to veterans’ charities benefits military personnel and, often, their families too! One of the easiest ways to make a big impact on veterans and their families is by donating any unwanted vehicle to Vehicles For Veterans.

Vehicles For Veterans is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit car donation organization dedicated to benefiting American veterans and their families by funding disabled and other veterans’ programs through your generous donation. We make the process easy by offering you free towing and a 100 percent tax deductible receipt. If you would like to give back to American veterans, call 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online donation form.  

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