5 Ways To Mark The Anniversary of D-Day

5 Ways To Mark The Anniversary of D-Day

2017 marks the 73rd anniversary of D-Day. There aren't as many traditions in the U.S. for observing the anniversary as there are for other military observances. Some people go so far as to travel to the beaches of Normandy in June to see the invasion site firsthand. However, you can also do several things closer to home to mark the day, especially if you live near one of the many WWII memorials in the U.S. Here are several activities you can do here at home to mark the 73rd anniversary of D-Day. 

Visit The National D-Day Memorial

If you live close to Bedford, Va., head to the National D-Day Memorial on June 6 for an anniversary celebration. The free event goes from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. This year's event will feature keynote speaker Jerry Yellin, a WWII pilot who flew the final combat mission of the war. If you've never been to this memorial, D-Day is the perfect time to check it out.

Attend The D-Day Commemoration At The WWII Memorial

In Washington, D.C., head to the WWII Memorial on June 6 for a special commemorative event. The event will begin at 11 a.m. The WWII Memorial honors the 16 million Americans who served in the armed forces during the war. More than 400,000 lost their lives serving our country in WWII. 

Plan Ahead For D-Day Conneaut

If you live near Lake Erie and want to have a more immersive experience, plan ahead for the D-Day Conneaut event. Taking place Aug. 17-19, this is the largest D-Day reenactment in the U.S. The event occurs in the township of Conneaut, Ohio, which is between Cleveland, Ohio and Erie, Penn. You'll get to watch as 1,200 reenactors recreate the landing on the beaches of Normandy, complete with amphibious vehicles. Get prepared and make your plans now if you want to attend. 

Fly The American Flag

Days like the D-Day anniversary pose the perfect opportunity to get out your flag and fly it. Regardless of whether you fly the flag every day or only on certain occasions, it can't hurt to brush up on flag flying etiquette. Remember that a flag should always be flown from a fixed pole and that it should be well lit if flown overnight and taken down in severe weather.

Donate A Car To Vehicles For Veterans

One simple way you can make a difference today is to donate your car to Vehicles For Veterans. Days that honor veterans such as the D-Day anniversary are the perfect times to think about giving back. You can do just that with Vehicles For Veterans, and all it takes is your unwanted vehicle.

We'll come pick up your car for free from any location and you will enjoy a great tax deduction. The proceeds from your donation go towards programs that help disabled and other veteran programs throughout the U.S. Donate your unwanted car, boat, RV, motorcycle, trailer, Jet Ski or other vehicle today by calling 1-855-811-4838 or filling out an online car donation form.

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