7 Ways To Celebrate Military Appreciation Month

7 Ways To Celebrate Military Appreciation Month

Did you know that May is National Military Appreciation Month? While many people celebrate this month by offering military deals at their business, you don't have to own a company to make a difference this May. There are countless ways that all of us can give back to military members, veterans and their families this month! Here are seven simple ways to get involved.

Donate Your Car

One of the easiest ways you can support veterans is to donate your car to Vehicles For Veterans. The proceeds from your car donation go towards programs that help veterans and their families. The best part about donating your car is that we do all the work for you. All you have to do is call us at 1-855-811-4838 or donate online. We take care of the towing, issue you a 100 percent tax deductible receipt and make sure the proceeds from your donation help veterans!

Spread The Word To Veterans

Military Appreciation Month is a popular time for businesses offer discounts and promotions for veterans. Again, you don't have to be a business owner to give back. If you know a military family, an easy way to show your appreciation is to simply let them know about any great deals you come across this month.

Make Plans For Memorial Day

With many patriotic observances taking place in May, it makes sense that this month was chosen as Military Appreciation Month. The biggest of them all is of course Memorial Day. If you're a veteran or are close to people who are, you know that Memorial Day is about honoring those who have lost their lives fighting for our country.

However, many people forget the true meaning of Memorial Day. If there's not a Memorial Day observance taking place in your area, use this month to think of ways to get people in your community involved on Memorial Day.

Volunteer For A Veterans' Cause

Most cities have their own monument, mural, park, memorial plaque or other way of honoring local veterans. If not, almost all cemeteries do something special to honor veterans throughout the month. This May, ask your city if there is a way you can volunteer to help with upkeep and maintenance. This could include gardening, routine cleaning, watering plants or more.

Recognize Local Veterans

If you run a newsletter or bulletin through your workplace, religious organization, school or other institution, May is a great time to highlight and honor local veterans. This can be especially meaningful if you have veterans working at your organization.

Brush Up On Flag Etiquette

It's great to fly the American Flag every day of the year, but it's especially important on military holidays. Even if you fly the flag every day, there might be a few things about flag etiquette that you didn't know. May is a great time to brush up on these flag etiquette facts. If you're involved with a local scout troop, May might be a great time for the scouts to work on their flag protocol merit badge as well.

Send A Card

Many of us know a military member or veterans who is away from home, hospitalized or living in a retirement community away from family. A great way to show your appreciation this month is to simply send a card. A small gesture such as a note saying that you're thinking about them can make a huge difference! If you don't know a veteran in this situation, contact a local VA hospital and ask about how you can send a card to brighten a stranger's day. 

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