9/11 Service Project Supports Our Troops And Families

9/11 Service Project Supports Our Troops And Families

Sept. 11 is a sad day in American history. This was the day that there were four coordinated terrorist attacks on American soil. If you would like to help our military heroes, you can take part in the 9/11 Service Project on Sept. 11 from 12-2:30 p.m. 

About The 9/11 Service Project

The Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund is inviting everyone to help make care packages for active military members, military families and veterans. The event will take place at the Mother’s Walk on Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston. This will be a great opportunity to give back to the community.  The day’s activities will include:

  • Making 500 military care packages for service men and women overseas.
  • Writing letters of support to the troops that are fighting for our country.
  • Making 500 care packages for local veterans, helping to lift their spirits and show that people still think about them and care.
  • Pledge drive to help families who are supported by the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund.

Additional Ways You Can Help

There are many ways you can help leading up to Sept. 11.

  • You can host a drive to collect things to put into the care packages. You can make it a fun competition to see who can bring in the most things for the care packages. If you would like to know what things are needed for the care packages you can call 909-HERO for an updated list of things needed.
  • If hosting a drive is too much of a task for you, you can sponsor a care package for $35. All the proceeds from your donation will help to fill and ship a care package. The donation will also help to fund programs and services benefiting the families served by the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund. All the donations are tax deductible. If you would like to make a donation you can donate online or mail a check to Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund, 9/11 Service Project, 727 Atlantic Avenue, 3rd Floor, Boston, MA 02111.
  • You can volunteer on Sept. 11 and help build care packages for the troops serving overseas and for our local veterans in need. If you would like to volunteer you can email volunteers@massmilitaryheroes.org.

Have Plans On Sept. 11?

If you have plans on Sept. 11, but you are still looking for a way to help, look no further. If you have a vehicle that you no longer need, you can donate it to Vehicles For Veterans. We are a 501(c)(3) car donation program. You donation is fully tax deductible. We take cars that run and ones that no longer run and tow them away for free. You can donate by calling us at 1-855-811-4838 or filling out our online donation form. We will contact you within 24 hours of the next business day to find out the best time and place to pick up the vehicle. Give back Sept. 11 by donating that unused vehicle that is taking up needed space.

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