What You Need To Know About D-Day

What You Need To Know About D-Day

June 6, 1944, around 160,000 soldiers invaded beaches of Normandy, France to end the war with Nazi Germany. Dwight D. Eisenhower was determined to get a victory, and by the end of the day they had a firm grip in continental Europe. This invasion was the largest seaborne invasion in history, it took many months of planning. The U.S. met with allies months prior to D-Day to strategically plan a large scale deception campaign. The Normandy landing has been known as the beginning of the end to World War II. 

What The “D” In D-Day Means

Most people overthink this question. The “D” in D-Day stands for day, just as the letter “H” stands for hour in military terms. This code was used to specify the day and time of an important invasion or military operation. Military planners often used this code along with plus and minus signs. For example D-6 means six days before a D-Day, while D+4 means four days after a D-day.

Above And Beyond The Call Of Duty

The Medal of Honor is the highest medal of valor in combat that can be awarded to members of the armed forces. Out of the 160,000 allied troops that invaded the beach that day, only four people received the Medal of Honor. The four men who received this honor were Private Carlton W. Barrett, First Lieutenant Jimmie W. Monteith Jr., Technician Fifth Grade John J. Pinder Jr., and Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. These men went above and beyond the call of duty to save others and lead others under heavy fire.

Interesting Facts

  • June 5 was originally picked for the day of the invasion; however, bad weather caused them to postpone a day.
  • The code name for this invasion was Operation Overload.
  • Each of the five beaches of Normandy had code names. These were Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword.
  • August of 1943 was when the first meeting took place between the British and American military chiefs of staff, to plan out the invasion of Normandy.
  • The name of one of the men who received the Medal of Honor probably sounded familiar. Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was the son of former President Teddy Roosevelt.

How People Celebrate D-Day

Many families travel back to Normandy for D-Day to visit fallen family members' graves. Around the U.S. you can find re-enactments of the battle where you can watch the scenes unfold in front of you. Many World War II museums hold special events to celebrate this day. They show old photographs from the war, and also have special exhibits to show artifacts and uniforms from the war.

How You Can Help

D-Day was a major day in history. Many people lost their lives and got injured on this day. Donating a vehicle is a great way to give back, it can benefit you and veterans. If you have a vehicle that you no longer want you can donate to Vehicles For Veterans. We are an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, this means your donation is 100 percent tax deductible.

Take a moment and donate your unwanted vehicle to help the veterans who served for our country in our time of need. Donating a car only takes a few minutes when you call us at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online car donation form.

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