Department Of Veterans Affairs Turns 87

Department Of Veterans Affairs Turns 87

On July 21, 1930, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) was officially established. The United States has been assisting veterans since 1636 in the Plymouth Colony when the Pilgrims made a law that supported disabled soldiers. Since then, the VA was created, and the U.S. has continued to serve veterans. Learning more about the VA can be helpful for veterans seeking assistance and for civilians looking to help veterans.  


Throughout the years of the original colonies, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and every war in between, the U.S. created various programs to compensate veterans for disabilities and injuries that took place during the war. During World War I, the U.S. consolidated all of the veterans programs into the Veterans Bureau. Since chemical warfare was a large part of WWI, hospitals accommodated the coinciding mental and respiratory problems.

By 1930, Herbert Hoover instated the Veterans Bureau as a federal administration along with the National Homes and Pension Bureau. Combined, they became the Veterans Administration. Included in this important consolidation was the medical coverage of veterans for disabilities that were not service-related.

After World War II, the veteran population significantly increased, which led Congress to add new benefits. Most prominent was the GI Bill, which made the VA more of a priority in terms of federal funding.


The VA website and the Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, and Survivors are two excellent resources for learning more about the services that the VA provides. Veterans seeking knowledge on their available resources and civilians looking to educate themselves on veterans’ benefits ought to read these resources to learn more. Here is a condensed list of their offered programs:

  • Health care benefits
  • Disability benefits
  • Employment assistance
  • Pensions
  • Funding for education and vocational training
  • Home loan assistance
  • Life insurance
  • Burial and memorial benefits
  • Civilian transition assistance
  • Health care for dependents and survivors

Veterans Legacy Program

Is a fantastic program part of the National Cemetery Administration. The share stories about our nation's veterans in our national cemeteries. Through this program and development of digital resources, they enhance memorialization, increase awareness and sacrifice of our nation’s Veterans. 

Vehicle Donation

As a civilian or a veteran advocating for veterans, you can help fund disabled veterans’ charities and organizations similar to the VA by simply donating any unwanted vehicle to Vehicles For Veterans. This patriotic non-profit 501(c)(3) organization helps to make the donation process hassle-free and rewarding.

Free towing and a fully tax-deductible receipt are two of the ways that Vehicles For Veterans makes saving the space taken up by your unwanted vehicle easy. Simply call 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online donation form to donate today! Your generosity will deeply impact the lives of veterans in your community. 

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