Historically Fun Trip

Historically Fun Trip

Are you trying to plan a family trip where the kids can learn and have a fun time? Here are some fun memorials to visit.

Family Fun National Memorials

These memorials are educational and also interactive, keeping the kids engaged as they learn about important people and events in history.

USS Arizona Memorial: This memorial is very unique because it is under water. The USS Arizona memorial is located in Pearl Harbor. The ship sunk during the Japanese attack. One very interesting fact is that there were 37 confirmed pairs or trios of brothers on the ship at the time of the attack, and one father-and-son pair. Almost half of the casualties of Pearl Harbor occurred on the USS Arizona. Only one set of brothers survived the attack; because of this the military strongly discouraged brothers serving together on the same ship.

Coronado National Memorial: This memorial has no statue or landmark. Instead, the Memorial is 4,750 acres of land--the largest Memorial in the National Park system. The park memorializes the first major expedition of Europeans into the American Southwest lead by Francisco Vasuez de Coronado.  Interestingly enough, the expedition did not go through the area that is memorialized. They picked this area because of the beautiful views of the San Pedro Valley.

Mount Rushmore National Memorial: A visit to this memorial will get you out of the car and walking around. Nearly 3 million people visit Mount Rushmore each year. You can walk the Presidential Trail that allows you to get an up close view of the mountain sculpture and the wildlife surrounding it.

National Mall: You will find gorgeous monuments and memorials along a 2-mile stretch in the heart of the capital.

  • You can take a stroll through the Constitution Gardens.
  • Learn rich history at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.
  • Visit the statue of Thomas Jefferson who established the U.S. Military Academy.
  • Take a walk through the Korean War Memorial which has 19 statues and a Mural Wall with more the 2,400 photographs of men, women, and dogs who served in Korea.
  • Sit on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and reflecting pool where many iconic events took place.
  • Visit the two walls of black granite that have 58,274 names of missing or deceased Vietnam Veterans.
  • Stop by the 555 ft. tall Washington Monument built to honor the United States' first president and iconic military figure.
  • The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is carved into the stone of hope and on the visible side of the stone the words “Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope,” a quote from the “I Have A Dream” speech.
  • The World War Two Memorial is made of granite, bronze, and water and has many different parts, each commemorating those who served in World War II.

Help Those Who Protected Us

While reading through all the great memorials that remember events and people who helped shape our country, it is a fantastic time to give back to those who helped protect our freedoms. If you have a vehicle that you no long need, you can donate it to Vehicles For Veterans. We are a car donation program that benefits disabled veterans and their families. All you have to do is fill out our online donation form or call us at 1-855-811-4838. Donating is as simple as that! 

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