How You Can Help Veterans

How You Can Help Veterans

There are many simple ways you can give back to veterans. With there being veteran organizations in each state it is easy to volunteer or give to support veterans.

Where To Volunteer

There are many great ways you can volunteer for our veterans.

  1. You can volunteer your time at the Fisher House. Some of the volunteer opportunities are bringing in meals and snacks for residents, helping with general housekeeping chores, and babysitting to give military parents a break. You can also organize a donation drive for things such as paper products, cleaning supplies, laundry supplies and whatever else you think would be useful. You can click here to see if there is a Fisher House in your area.
  2. You can volunteer for the USO. Some of the volunteer opportunities include welcoming home troops and helping keep veteran’s company.
  3. Help bring A Touch Of Home to our military members by helping put together care packages that will bring them comfort and joy. There is a list of what you are able to send here.
  4. Keep veteran’s company and show they are appreciated by volunteering at your local veteran’s home.
  5. Volunteer at a Stand Down event. These event are held all over the US. They provide homeless veterans with a safe place to go eat, take care of personal hygiene and get medical care.

Other Ways To Help

If you are busy and don’t have time to volunteer there are many other things you can do to help veterans.

  1. Donate your frequent flier miles to help bring family members to the bed side of hurt service member. Sometimes when military members come home from there services they are injured and need medical help. Most the time they are unable to make it home before receiving the help they need, by your donation you can help bring comfort to these military members.
  2. Sponsor a companion dog. Animals help veterans that are coping with their PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or other illnesses. Puppies Behind Bars is a program where people serving time in prisons train companion dogs for veterans. You can help to sponsor one of these dogs and you will receive updates on the dog's training and life with its veteran.
  3. You can donate your old cell phone to help provide emergency financial assistance and purchase international calling cards for troops.
  4. Donate to Operation Home Front which is an organization that helps veterans and their families with support and needs that they are unable to afford.
  5. Send a thank you note to a veteran .They often feel like they are unwanted and pushed aside. By sending a thank you note it lets them see that they are not forgotten.

Help In A Big Way

You can help veterans by donating you unused vehicle to Vehicles For Veterans. We are a car donation program that offers free towing and a great tax deduction for your vehicle.  You can donate by calling 1-855-811-4838 or filling out our online donation form.  Help American veterans today!

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