Employment Resources And Job Searching Tips For Veterans

Employment Resources And Job Searching Tips For Veterans

When veterans return home after service, it can be difficult to transition back to civilian life, especially when it comes to job searching. Job searching is already a difficult process for the average person, but it becomes even more challenging after being away from home and returning from war with a physical or mental disability. Thankfully, there are resources that veterans can take advantage of during their job search. 

Employment Helps Veterans Recover Faster

While it may seem like veterans could use the physical and mental break after returning home, getting back to work is actually good for their physical and mental health, especially if they are recovering from substance or alcohol abuse, or a physical or mental problem. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs provides some great tips and advice for veterans as they begin searching for employment.

Veterans Employment Toolkit

Veterans can take advantage of the Veterans Employment Toolkit, which helps veterans to find and obtain employment. This resource helps veterans with creating a resume, cover letter, or completing a job application. If veterans need help describing a job they held while in the military, the Jobs Thesaurus can help to locate job descriptions.

The Veterans Employment Center has links to upcoming Veteran Career Fairs which can help veterans find companies who are looking to hire. The Veterans Employment Toolkit also has information for finding federal employment or internship opportunities. You can even search for job opportunities with the VA.

VA For Vets

The VA for Vets program is part of the Veteran Employment Services Office, which helps veterans and transitioning military service members to find VA careers that are both fulfilling and meaningful. Website tools include a resume builder, military skills translator, and federal job search functions.

The VA for Vets website has a list of upcoming events, including hiring events and job fairs, as well as a list of open positions that veterans and U.S. Citizens can apply for.

Vocational Rehabilitation And Employment Program

The Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Program is meant to assist veterans with service-oriented disabilities. If a veteran cannot apply for work immediately after returning from service, this program will help them to improve their ability to live as independently as possible. When they are ready for work, this program helps veterans to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs.

Compensated Work Therapy

The Compensated Work Therapy program strives to match and support veterans in competitive jobs. Veterans will receive services such as site and job assessment, staff training and consultation services, employee screening, job matching, and follow-up services.

According to the VA, the program strives to help veterans with physical and mental disabilities by aiming to maintain highly responsive long term quality relationships with business and industry promoting employment opportunities.

For veterans who are struggling with a mental health condition that makes employment difficult, evidence-based psychotherapies are available. They are effective at treating PTSD, depression, substance abuse disorders, mental illness, insomnia, chronic pain, and stress.

Resources Are Available

Plenty of employment resources are available, so don’t hesitate to contact the VA for any of your own personal needs, or for the veteran in your life. The Disabled American Veterans also offers employment resources that include career fairs, partnerships with RecruitMilitary and Veteran Recruiting, webinars, resume writing tips, and more.

Many of these services are made possible thanks to donations from generous supporters. If you would like to support similar programs for veterans throughout the U.S., please consider donating your car to Vehicles For Veterans. The Vehicles For Veterans car donation program is easy, hassle-free, and helps to fund services and resources for veterans in need of assistance.

To donate a vehicle, simply call 1-855-811-4838 or fill out our online car donation form. Your donation allows you to show your support for our nation’s heroes, who so selflessly fought for our freedom. Donate a vehicle today and receive a great tax deduction at tax time! 

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