Celebrate Two Days Honoring Veterans This March

Celebrate Two Days Honoring Veterans This March

As March comes to an end, there are two observances that recognize the service and sacrifice of American veterans. National Medal of Honor Day takes place on March 25, and Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day is celebrated March 30. Both of these days provide an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices veterans made to protect our country. Whether you raise a flag, attend an honorary veterans' event, or thank a veteran in person, there are many ways to make these two days special.

National Medal Of Honor Day Is March 25

The highest honor the nation can give is the Medal of Honor. Recipients are commended for their "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity" beyond the call of duty at risk of their own life.

The Medal of Honor was established in July 1862. To date, it has been awarded to 3,497 service members. Today the medal is awarded for recent heroic actions, but it is also retroactively given for past service that was not recognized at the time.

On March 25, there are several ways you can show your support for Medal of Honor recipients.

  • Fly the American flag at your house.

  • Share something about Medal of Honor Day via social media. Most people aren't even aware that Medal of Honor Day exists, so sharing a post about the day with your followers can make a big difference.

  • Check the recipient archive to see if anyone in your town or a nearby community has earned the Medal of Honor. Since the vast majority of its recipients are no longer living, a great way to demonstrate the importance of their sacrifice could be to "adopt" their gravesite with your scout troop, youth organization or school class.

  • Send a card to a living Medal of Honor recipient. Follow these instructions to send cards to the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, which will forward your letter to the correct address.

  • Keep an eye out for local events celebrating Medal of Honor Day. Although it's not a well-known observance, you may be able to find a local veterans' event. Your local VFW Post may have more information about military events in the area. 

Celebrate Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day March 30

The Vietnam War, which the U.S. was involved in from 1965-73, was a conflict that many U.S. citizens did not agree with. Many soldiers who were drafted didn't agree with the war themselves. The atmosphere was still tense in the U.S. when the war ended, and many troops did not receive a warm welcome when they returned home. In fact, many military members were the target of scorn, insults and mistreatment from anti-war activists.

Regardless of how civilians felt about the war, many failed to recognize the sacrifice and hardship that Vietnam veterans, like veterans of all wars, faced. In 2011, the Senate passed a resolution making March 30 "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day" to give Vietnam-era veterans the welcome they never received in the 70s. March 30 was chosen because it is the anniversary of the day that the U.S. officially withdrew from Vietnam in 1973.

On Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, many local veterans' organizations hold events. Check with a local VFW Post, American Legion, or Veterans Services Office to see what's happening in your area. You can also honor veterans by flying a flag. Check this resourcefor proper flag-flying etiquette. Posting a video or link about veterans or sharing a personal story on your social media can help spread the word too. Sending a card or flowers to a local veteran's hospital or nursing home is another thoughtful gesture.   

Give Back To Disabled Veterans By Donating Your Car

Veterans sacrifice so much in their service, and oftentimes they become injured or disabled. If you would like to support these veterans, you can donate your car, truck, boat, RV or motorcycle to Vehicles For Veterans. Our program offers free towing and the maximum possible tax deduction for your vehicle donation. You'll also feel great knowing the proceeds from your donation go to programs for disabled veterans.

To donate your vehicle in honor of Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day or Medal of Honor Day, please call 1-855-811-4838 or fill out an online car donation form today. Your donation helps give disabled veterans a better life.

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