Mental Health Awareness Week 2017

Mental Health Awareness Week 2017

This year October 1-7 is Mental Health Awareness Week. One in five American adults experience mental illness. Take the time this week to learn about mental illness and participate in some fun activities.

Impactful People Who Suffered From Mental Illness

Mental illness often has a dark cloud around it. People often think if you have a mental Illness you will never be able to achieve to your full potential. If you are one of those people, here are some incredible individuals who have achieved some of the most phenomenal things. 

  • Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who accomplished a great victory during WWI. Winston was open about his mental illness calling it his “black dog.”
  • Frank Sinatra suffered from severe mood swings. He would experience abundant joy one minute then severe depression the next.
  • Ernest Hemmingway, one of the best writers of all time, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder; during his time they gave him electroshock therapy for treatment.
  • Sir Isaac Newton was known for his astonishing contributions to science such as the three laws of motion, the law of gravitation, and discovery of optics. Newton suffered from bipolar disorder, which romantic writers often called “a disease of men of genius.”
  • Oprah Winfrey talks about many of her friends who suffered from mental illness and how she herself has suffered from depression.

Activities To Participate In During Mental Health Week

During this week try to participate in an activity to learn, or talk about mental health.

  • Sign up for a charity walk. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has many walks during mental health Week.
  • Have a get-together with friends and plan a discussion about mental illness. The more you talk about it, the more people will feel comfortable getting help.
  • Find local mental health events in your state, participate and give your support.

How You Can Help Veterans

Many veterans come back from serving our country with severe mental health problems. Some who seek help don’t get adequate care. You can help our veterans by donating your unused vehicle to Vehicles For Veterans. We are a 501(c)(3) car donation program so your donation is fully tax deductible.  We take cars in great condition and ones that no longer run. You don’t have to worry about the hassle of trying to sell your car since we will do everything for you!

You can donate by calling us at 1-855-811-4838 or filling out our online donation form. We will contact you within 24 hours of the next business day to find out the best time and place to pick up the vehicle. Help veterans in your area today! 

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