7 Fun Activities To Show Support To Our Military Children

7 Fun Activities To Show Support To Our Military Children

In 1986, Casper Weinberger designated April to be Month of the Military Child. He wanted there to be a month that recognized and thanked military children. The purple up campaign is designed to honor Military Children by having many different activities during the month of April, to help acknowledge and support military kids. 

The Definition of a military kid is: a child or adolescent with a close family member serving in any branch of the United States Armed Forces, and any status: Active Duty, Reserve, or National Guard. Children that grow up in military families face many challenges and unique opportunities.

The Month of Military Child is a celebration that takes place across the United States and overseas. Many schools have purple days throughout the month to help show support to our military children. There are many different activities that schools and parents can do to show their support and recognize military children.

Fun Activities

  • Purple Fridays: If you work at a school or are a parent you can help start "wear purple Fridays," to help show support to military children who are a part of the school.
  • Story Time: When you have story time at night you can read books that are about military life and lifestyle such as: Night Catch, Military Life Stories and Poems for Children and Summer of Courage.
  • Deployment Wall: If a parent or family member is deployed, you can take the time during the month of April to make a deployment wall showing what time it is, where the family member is based, and many other fun things like photos and count downs.
  • Family Fun: Have a family day or night out and go to a movie or bowling as a special treat for you child/children.
  • Movie Night: Have a fun movie night and watch your child/children’s favorite movies.
  • Military Base: Many of the military bases around the country have special activities for military children throughout the month of April. Check your local military base website for more information.
  • Donate A Vehicle: If you have a vehicle that has been sitting around and taking up space in the garage or driveway, you can take the time this month to clean it out and donate it to Vehicles For Veterans. Our vehicle donation program offers free towing for vehicles running or not, from almost anywhere in the United States. All you have to do is give us a call at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out our fast and easy online donation form. Once this is finished you will receive a call within 24 hours to schedule your vehicle pick up. After your vehicle is picked up, you will receive a tax deductible receipt in the mail.  Give a little more this month and donate your unused vehicle today, and help a veteran in need.

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