One Of The Nation’s Oldest Federal Organizations Has A Birthday Today

One Of The Nation’s Oldest Federal Organizations Has A Birthday Today

Today is the U.S. Coast Guard's 227th birthday. This is the perfect time to learn about its rich history and everything they have done for the U.S.


  • The first Congress authorized the construction of 10 vessels to enforce federal tariffs, trade laws and to also prevent smuggling. So they created a protective service known as the Revenue Marine and the Revenue Cutter Service.
  • In 1915 their responsibilities grew along with their size. Congress merged the Revenue Cutter Service with the Life-Saving Service, providing the U.S. with one single maritime service. They were dedicated to saving lives at sea and enforcing the nation’s maritime laws.
  • In 1939 President Franklin Roosevelt ordered the transfer of the Lighthouse Service to the Coast Guard, expanding their responsibilities.
  • The Coast Guard hired its first civilian women to serve in secretarial and clerical positions in 1941.
  • Congress transferred the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation to the Coast Guard in 1946. This meant the Coast Guard was now responsible for marine licensing and merchant vessel safety under their supervision. 
  • Since 2003 the Coast Guard has been a part of the Department of Homeland Security. They enforce the nation's laws at sea, protect the marine environment, protect the nation’s coast lines and ports and are a part of search and rescue efforts.


  • In war times or under the direction of the President, the Coast Guard serves under the Navy.
  • The U.S. Coast Guard has aided in every one of the nation’s conflicts, including World War II, The Korean War, Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
  • Becoming a Coast Guard rescue swimmer is a hard task; more than half the people who try out fail.
  • The oldest active serving Coast Guard member was Anthony Christy. He was the keeper of the Christiana Lighthouse in Delaware. Christy died on duty in September 1862 at the age of 105.
  • During World War II the Coast Guard had a dog for a mascot named Sinbad. He helped to keep the troop's company during their voyage.
  • The Coast Guard had a championship hockey team called the Cutters from 1942-1944. They played in the Eastern Amateur Hockey League, which was considered one of the most competitive leagues.
  • 1918 was a historic year, as it was the year sisters Genevieve and Lucille Baker became the first uniformed women to serve in the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • Eastwind, an icebreaker ship, became the first cutter to ever sail around Antarctica. It was also the only ship to circumnavigate Antarctica since 1843.
  • Currently, there are almost 41,000 total active duty servicemen and women in the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • On an average day, the Coast Guard saves 10 lives, conducts 45 search and rescue missions according to the U.S. Coast Guard website.

How You Can Celebrate The Coast Guard's Birthday

You can help wish the Coast Guard a happy birthday by donating your unused car. Vehicles For Veterans is a nonprofit that benefits veterans' charities and services. If you don’t want to deal with the hassle of selling your car or towing it, don’t worry. Vehicles For Veterans will come pick up your vehicle for free from any location. In return for donating your vehicle, you will get a full tax refund.

What are you waiting for? Show your support today, by calling 1-855-811-4838 or filling out our online donation form!

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