Support Military Families On Gold Star Wives’ Day

Support Military Families On Gold Star Wives’ Day

April 5 is Gold Star Wives’ Day—a day to honor the spouses and families of fallen service members and to create awareness of what a Gold Star Family Member is. If you are unsure of who the Gold Star Wives are, what they represent or how to observe Gold Star Wives’ Day, here is some information and history:

Gold Star Wives History

The gold star is a symbol of loss among military families. Dating back to 1918, families would place a gold star over the blue service star in their windows to show that their loved one in the military was killed while serving.

The Gold Star Wives started as an organization to improve the benefits for surviving military spouses. Many military spouses were left with minimal benefits and resources following the death of their spouses overseas. The Gold Star Wives would reach out and pool their resources together to make lives work for the widows and widowers.

Although times have changed, and benefits have improved, the Gold Star Wives are still around to advocate and take care of military surviving spouses and families.

How To Observe Gold Star Wives’ Day

Gold Star Wives’ Day reminds us all to honor fallen American heroes while also recognizing the pain and strength of their families. You can identify these families on Gold Star Wives’ Day by their Gold Star Pins. When observing Gold Star Wives’ Day, it is important to recognize the validity of the sacrifice that goes into being a military spouse and family—especially when their loved one is killed in their service. There are many ways to show your support, but if you would like to help fund one of these important programs, you can donate to military charity organizations that benefit military members and their families.

Show Your Support

Veterans and their families sacrifice so much for the safety of the country. Great organizations like Gold Star Wives actively make a difference for military families. You can take action for American heroes, and it can be so easy! If you have an unwanted car or any other vehicle taking up space in your driveway or garage, you can donate your care to Vehicles For Veterans.

Vehicles For Veterans is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that accepts car donations in order to benefit disabled and other veterans charities. We specialize in free car removal and towing, and we give you a 100 percent tax-deductible receipt to use on your 1098-c while filing taxes. Meanwhile, you are making a huge difference in the lives of American veterans.

Donate today by calling 1-855-811-4838 or by filling out an online donation form

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