A Thank You Goes A Long Way

A Thank You Goes A Long Way

As the holidays are approaching and you have many things on your mind. Take the time to say thank you to a veteran. The holidays can be especially hard for those who have served for our country. Try one of these ten things below and make a veteran's day a little brighter. 

Ten Ways To Say Thank You

Sometimes we don’t say thank you enough and show how much we appreciate their service.

  1. Cookies: There are many veterans’ homes and centers around every state. Find one nearest you and bake some cookies to bring in. If you want to say thank you in the sweetest way this idea will put a smile on a veteran’s face and is a great way to show that you care.
  2. Warm clothing: Many states across the U.S. have brutal winters with temps that dip below freezing. You can find local veterans' charities that take warm clothes donations for veterans. Donating new or used warm clothing items will help warm a veteran’s heart this holiday season.
  3. Listen: Sometimes all a veteran needs is a listening ear. Many veterans don’t feel appreciated for their service. One great thing you can do if you know a veteran or can visit a veteran’s home is sit down and have a conversation. If you find they don’t want to talk about certain things, skip over that topic and ask about a funny story or happy memory they have.
  4. Send a card: If you have a busy schedule during the holidays, send a simple holiday card to a local veteran’s home saying thank you. It will put a smile on a veteran's face knowing that they are not forgotten.
  5. Pay the bill: If you are at a restaurant or a coffee shop and you know someone is a veteran, a great way to say thank you is picking up their tab. By keeping it anonymous it will keep the spirit of the holiday season alive.
  6. Send a letter: Don’t forget about our military members deployed overseas. There are many programs all over the U.S. where you can drop off letters. Find a location nearest you and write a thoughtful letter thanking them for their service.
  7. Visit: Stop by your local VA hospital and drop off books, movies, games or something special. This will make a veteran's stay a little easier by enjoying your donation.
  8. Help: If you know that one of your neighbors is a veteran, help them with yard work or shovel their driveway. This is a great way to say thank you for their service.
  9. Volunteer: With there being many veterans’ homes and organizations in every state, take the time and volunteer. Helping at an event or a veteran’s home can help veterans right in your area and you will be able to see the effect it has.
  10. Donate: Do you have a vehicle you no longer use or is out of service? Instead of selling it you can donate it to Vehicles For Veterans! We are a vehicle donation program that benefits veterans and their families. That car, boat, RV or trailer can help veterans in your state. All you have to do is call us at 1-855-811-4838 or fill out our online donation form. We will call you within 24 hours to schedule the best time to pick up your vehicle. Don’t go through the hassle of selling your vehicle, donate it today and get a great tax deduction on this year’s taxes and know that your donation is helping a veteran. 

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