Think Orange In October

Think Orange In October

October has many fun activities such as corn mazes, pumpkin carving contests and of course Halloween. It is also Agent Orange Awareness Month. Many people who served in Vietnam are facing the after effects of Agent Orange/dioxin. New studies show that Agent Orange might potentially affect offspring and future generations. Below you will find facts and interesting information that you will want to know and be aware of.

Interesting Facts

Make sure you know the facts and take action.

  • According to the Aspen Institute, between 2.1 and 4.5 million Vietnam civilians lived in the areas that were sprayed with dioxin-contaminated herbicides, one of them being Agent Orange. Also around 2.8 million U.S veterans were on the ground, between 1962 to 1975 and were exposed to these chemicals.
  • The U.S. Institute of Medicine’s 2009 reported cited evidence that connects people exposed to Agent Orange/dioxin with illnesses such as: soft-tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
  • In Vietnam they also found other birth defects and diseases associate with exposure to dioxin such as:  liver cancer, lipid metabolism disorder, reproductive abnormalities and congenital deformities such as neural tube defects, cleft lip, cleft palate, club foot, hydrocephalus, fused digits, muscle malformations and paralysis; and some developmental disabilities.

    What You Should Know About Dioxin

  • Dioxin stays toxic over many decades.
  • It is not water-soluble (it can’t get broken down by water).
  • Some areas didn’t get directly hit with Dioxin but it clings to components in the soil, and can be carried downstream.
  • With so many animals drinking and eating out of the streams, it can be found in the fish people eat and waterfowl. People are not only exposed to the chemicals in the soil, but also are digesting it in their food.
  • Dioxin alters the chemical balance involved in bodily functioning and reproductive processes.
  • If detected early it can be treated by surgery, medication or rehabilitation therapy.
  • They have found signs of the genetic effects skipping generations but showing up in third generations.

How You Can Help

Many veterans were effected by Agent Orange and now are faced with many health complications because of it. We have a great way you can help veterans by donating your vehicle to Vehicles For Veterans. We take vehicles in almost any condition and offer fast and free towing.  If you have an unused vehicle that you would like to donate you can call us 1-855-811-4838 at or fill out our online donation form. Don’t wait any longer help veterans in need today!


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