How You Can Make Your Driving Experience 10 Times Better

How You Can Make Your Driving Experience 10 Times Better

Did you know that you will spend about 7 percent of your life driving? That is roughly about 5 ½ years of your life spent on the road. When you are spending this much time in your car you want to be comfortable and organized. Here are some products you can buy that will make your driving experience a lot better:

Useful Products

  • Trunk Organizer: Do you keep many different types of clothes in your trunk so you are ready for any occasion? They make great foldable trunk organizers that you can store your clothes, shoes, sports equipment, or anything else you keep in your car. This will keep the items from rolling around in your trunk.
  • GPS: Most of us don’t leave the house without our phones. If you are someone who is often using the GPS on your phone and you are in areas that you don’t receive service, you can buy a GPS that mounts to your car so you won’t get lost when your service goes out or if your phone dies.
  • Steering Wheel Cover: If you don’t like your steering wheel and would rather have one that is soft or has more cushion, they make steering wheel covers that will fit your needs.
  • Air Freshener: Do you keep food in your car or often leave your gym bag in your car? You might notice that it starts to lose that new car smell and in return, gains the dirty locker room smell. You can stop this from happening by buying a car air freshener. They make all different types: some clip to your air vents, hang from your mirror or go under your seat.
  • Seat Covers: Do you spend many hours in your car a week? We all know how uncomfortable the seats can get. They make covers for almost all vehicles. There are many different types ones that are softer, more padded and even ones that are heated. Don’t sit on your uncomfortable seat any longer when there are so many great options.
  • Back Seat Organizer: Are you often driving the kids everywhere? Then you know your back seat often becomes their second play room. There are many different things you can buy to organize their toys and games. They make an organizer that hangs on the back of the driver or passenger seat that lets them store all of their things, keeping your back seat organized.
  • Remote Start: This is great for all environments. This allows you to start your car early, when you are still in the building, so it is ready for you when it is time to leave. If you live somewhere that it is cold you can start your car ahead of time, so it is warm when you get in. If you have the opposite problem, you can start your car so the AC is on, keeping it cool.

Time For A New Car?

Are you tired of vehicle maintenance or it's time for a size upgrade? We can help take your old car off your hands when you donate it to Vehicles For Veterans. All you have to do is fill out our online donation form or call us at 1-855-811-4838. Once this is done, you will receive a call from us within 24 hours of the next business day to schedule your vehicle pick up. Lastly, once you wave your car goodbye, you will receive your tax deductible receipt in the mail. Help a veteran with your vehicle donation today!

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